Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Upper Class Twit of the Year ...


  1. Class warfare is a powerful tool in the march toward socialism. I am not surprised the U K is a socialist state. Must punish the upper class. I saw on a news story they just instituted an "mansion tax". More ways to sock it to the rich. I wonder if they have a jobs problem over there, too. I never got a job from a poor man.

    Americans tried to do away with the class system. But the socialists still try to tap into the hate and envy against CEOs and the like. Did you see the Newsweek cover "Why does main street hate wall street" with a rich man's face all graffiti'ed over? The left is working as hard as it can to MAKE us hate and to tap into man's tendency to envy his fellow man.

    Thou shalt not covet. This was put on the list for a reason. Coveting leads to stealing and sometimes killing. It is the very root of evil in our society.

    Whoops. Sorry for the rant.

  2. Great Opie, but did like the funny video ?

  3. Yes, it was worth the time to watch.

  4. Thanks Opie, you got me laughing this morning.

  5. I love how Oliver runs himself over, too funny!

  6. Thanks for the GREAT LAUGHS! I LUV the Pythons.

    Or, are you sure these aren't the scientists from the UK East Anglia University who created the "hide the decline" ClimateGate Scandal?
    Or, members of obuggers cabinet?

    Yes, Opie England's unemployment is WORSE than ours, and they have a bad housing crisis and are TAXED TO DEATH! They are us in 5 years if we don't stop capt'n zero and his thugs.

  7. Bunni, Don't encourage Opie. A classic Monty bit and she goes off on a tangent. You girls crack me up.

  8. I know, you're right! I figured someone had to answer her question! This is CLASSIC greatness. If only we could get zero and all his libtards to off themselves like they do in the end!

  9. Bunni, It's a curse ... I'm right way too much.

  10. This sketch is not about class envy, it is about upper class in-breeding producing morons. A problem now exhibited by various Asian migrant communities within UK.
    Bloody marvelous sketch, not seen it for years, ta.


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