Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Fresh Look At ObamaCare


  1. Teresa, you can't beat Benny Hill for funny.

  2. That's scarily accurate and funny as all get out. You've been totally linked at Corndog dude.

  3. This is true. I've been to that hospital. This could be a documentary.

  4. Benny was ahead of his time, and very funny!
    Thanks for the Laughs, Odie.

  5. You're welcome Bunni, and a hop, hop, hoppy New Year Bunni.

  6. Still as funny as ever, Odie, and probably better than Obamacare, too! ;-)

  7. Spidey, I hope we don't have to find out about ObamaCare. Benny is still great !


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