Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Skiparoo Wednesday ~ 2

 Thanks Skip


  1. That was Johnny Carson said that, not Gene Rayburn.

  2. Ugly University professors are to blame, there is a direct correlation to how damn horse ugly you are to being a liberal. They all should be sent to a glue factory.
    I haven't trusted police officers since my time in the Army as an MP dealing with corrupt, stupid civilian cops.
    So, what you are saying if I ever go to Canada again I will have to buy a chastity belt for my female Chihuahua?

    1. For any animal you take with you, Cederq.

    2. Cederq, why go to a communist country?

    3. Well, BC has some excellent fishing and hunting and it is a route to take to get to Alaska, I have a friend that lives just over the border from Canada and it is easier to get to his place pulling a trailer then the Maritime Alaska Highway which to go from Seattle to Anchorage is about $3500 for truck and travel trailer...

    4. When hubby and I moved from Beale AFB in California, to Eielson AFB in Alaska, we took one of the ALCAN highways. Same when we came back from Eielson to Offutt in Nebraska.

      Quite the adventure.

  3. If these are true, I hope Dr. Immanuel wins her case against CNN.
    Definitely the professor.
    Agree with the last one, too. We'll see in the coming months, I'm afraid.

    And just what is the National Guard going to do against the truckers in the coming weeks, too.
    Thanks for these, Odie. you all be safe an God bless.

  4. I told the hubs the Canadian-style tyranny is coming to America; he asked me why I would say something like that. SMH

    1. Bobo the Hobo, We already have it here, but I'm sure it can get much worse. Then we'll see who we can count on.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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