Friday, February 25, 2022

Fun Friday Sounds Good To Me ~ 2

 Thanks FBers


  1. Yeah I get the cassette cartoon. Rewind the loose tape with a pencil point. Sometimes you could pull the slack out of an eight track cassette by pulling the tape and creating recoil.

  2. Looks like I am the 2nd one to get the cassette tape meme.

    1. JackDup, great! You're up on your "Old as dirt" stuff.

  3. Generally when I had a cassette go bad it was wound around the drivers inside the player. I lost track of how many cassettes tapes I saw that the torn tape was trailed along the road for what seemed to be a half a mile.

    1. Paul V, I think by the time I embraced cassettes they got the bugs out of the players.

  4. The St Bernie and the 4 year old have it right.


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