Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Could It Be Libturd Tuesday Already ~ 1

 Thanks FBers


  1. I've been telling people like Peppermint Psaki, "No", for better than 50 years.

  2. Speaking of Hey Joe, I am surprised that no one yet has come up with a bitingly sarcastic song about president Le Petomane using the Jimi Hendrix song , "Hey Joe'.

    1. Fish Out of Water, I don't know. Let's wake these songsters up.

  3. Tow Trucks, Fries, Clint and Scotland.
    Truth and funny at the same time.
    Except Scotland fought to be free of the English, got absorbed, had a chance to be free again with Brexit but declined. I guess Braveheart was right "We need to breed them out".

    "Hey Joe" don't denigrate Jimi's talent with that, but I can see having Roseanne Barr singing something...

    1. mer, Roseanne Barr could really give it feeling, biden style.

  4. Hahaha! So much good stuff here. Thanks, Odie!
    Be safe and God bless.


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