Friday, February 18, 2022

Skiparoo Friday Afternoon


Thanks Skip


  1. A lot of good ones here. For some reason I like the fly clock. :)
    You all be safe, Odie, and have a blessed weekend.

  2. Re: #1, can that bastard Trudeau actually believe he will escape a reckoning? The quote from William Munny seems appropriate. "We all have it coming kid".

  3. And that smug b4stard (#4) needs to have his time slot on that table right after Fidel Castro's son.

  4. By the way, after I retired, we elected President Trump who asked we who listened, to help Make America Great Again. I had no idea the Fauci bought-and-paid-for bat virus would be unleashed against the people of the world, but found myself delivering 53-foot trailer-loads of toilet paper to big-box retailer distribution centers all over this nation. I had unretired myself earned a CDL, and become a truck driver. The satisfaction did not come from knowing I was helping smug assh0les who worked from home via laptop computer wipe their ass with fresh Charmin. The satisfaction came from me knowing I was doing a job that desperately needed to be done.

    So now we have a totalitarian running the government of Canada and threatening to kill truckers' dogs. I can think of nothing more evil than a totalitarian who wants to kill in order to force compliance. I spit on Justin Trudeau.

    1. MarkinKansas, I think Trudeau is teaching the fence sitters in this country all about communism.

  5. So it's 4:30am in my home time zone and like many my age, nature woke me to do nature things. I won't get back to sleep until I post this last bit of rant.

    I also despise Democrats for what they have done to this nation. The assh0les are now worrying they might lose control of Congress for the spite and contempt they've shown to middle-of-the-country blue-collar types. Like me. A deplorable. F' them too. I will not forget.

    1. MarkinKansas, LOL ... go back to sleep and dream about Making America Great Again.

  6. Mark that's great awesome thank you for sharing that! People need to wake up to what the demon krauts are doing to this nation.

  7. Agree with Linda about the clock. If one replaced the house flies with say different dry flies, it would become better.

    "Justine, show us on the doll where the Freedom Convoy touched you"

  8. Grandma and 18 wheels.

    And all they'll need after the truth comes out is a short rope and a long fall.

    1. edutcher, there will be a lot of celebrating that day.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.