Sunday, February 13, 2022

It Must Be Funday - Yea - One

 Thanks FBers


  1. WD40, duct tape, paracord, fixed blade knife. The universal tool kit.

    1. mer, good thing you said "duct tape" or you would have lost me.

  2. Imagine. You'd get arrested for the car sled thing these days.

    1. Back in Brooklyn we would just hang
      onto the back bumper with our hands❗️

    2. Son of Reep, I can't remember doing either.

  3. George Strait can and does put on a hell of a good show. Why I carry a small WD 40 canister for those all too frequent now encounters with squeaky karens. Turn down the stereo? Lyndard Skynard comes on it is full on, don't give a hoot if I can see...

  4. Replace the Jack Daniels with Yukon Jack and that perfect gift comes pretty close.
    Especially if you add crawfish, haha!
    Thank you again, Odie.
    Be safe and God bless. :)


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