Thursday, January 20, 2022

Libturd is the Word For Thursday ~ 1


Thanks FBers


  1. Capitalism makes people equal, that's why socialists hate it.

    1. edutcher, and a few less decisions for bureaucrats to make.

  2. The first one: "Ladies products are in aisle 12"
    Agree with edutcher.
    Long time since I've had to pop a clutch, but inclines help. Worst was having a clutch cable break and needing to navigate about 4 traffic lights and traffic relearning "synchronizing".

  3. My hand is raised. Okay, I've never liked Biden. He's been an idiot since the get-go. Worst administration ever and I didn't think Jimmy Carter could be outdone. We go from worse to even more worse.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♥

    1. Sandee, I think biden and obama outdid carter by a long shot. Carter was STUPID, but not a commie.

    2. I remember living through the Carter years. I honestly would have sworn that it would have been impossible for us to ever have a more incompetent president than Carter.

      But then we had Ovomit -- our first incompetent and evil Affirmative Action president.

      Now we have biden -- incompetent, evil, and senile!!!

      Makes me miss the "good old days", when Demon-RAT presidents were just perverts and horndogs (like Clinton and Kennedy).

  4. I've done the popping of the clutch. And I agree, an incline makes it much easier.

    Thank you, Odie. You all be safe and God bless.

  5. The top picture is sad. He isn't even man enough to grow his man-bun!!! But you know he so wants one so bad!!! The other girly men won't ever respect him if he can't even grow a decent man-bun!!!

    I would almost feel sorry for him, but I'm guessing he is such a huge douche that that isn't going to happen!!!

    1. Perkins Family, I heard one has to sleep with their mask on to grow a good man bun.

  6. man bun. Whenever I see a woman/young lady with hair up in one, I ask the wife "Isn't that gender appropriation? She can't wear a man-bun".
    And yes, it results in the stereotypical smack on the arm from her.

    1. mer, This whole conversation makes me sad for the American Male, but then someone wearing a man bun isn't an American Male.

    2. Yep. "Hey rapunzel, let down your man bun" just doesn't sound right.


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