Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy Funday Afternoon

 Thanks FBers


  1. It's metric.

    8/16 of 12.5 millipedes.

    Damn dumb Americans.

    1. iOpener, and it's only used by cosmonauts for skyhooks.

  2. Your newhire story: I did just that, except for the quitting.
    In 1980 some computer storage company tried to sell my company in Amsterdam some computer storage. I studied the product and concluded that it was full of holes. No sale.
    Fast forward four years and on whole continent over: I started working for that storage company. The first thing I did was fixing all those holes with all those fixes immediately being sent out to all existing customers. Worked there for 16 years.

  3. Decades ago when I worked in construction a story circulated through the crew that the lead carpenter had sent his assistant down to his truck to get a 1/4 inch wrench. When he got back he told the boss there wasn't a 1/4 inch wrench, there was a 3/16, a 4/16, and a 5/16, but no 1/4. Considering the guy it was about, I believed it!

  4. A lot of chuckles here, Odie. Thank you.
    You all be safe, stay warm and God bless.

  5. Doesn't surprise me. Think that is weird try being a carpenter. The boards on your deck commonly are called 5/4 or five quarter boards. They are one inch thick. I have a triangle 📐 shaped object that I used constantly. It is called a speed "square". I have a larger square I use a lot too. It looks like an L.

    1. Ned Eastwood, I'm a woodworker and I've been dealing with this crap for almost my entire life. Who was the guy that came up with 4/4, 5/4, 8/4, and 12/4, etc. I'm sure it's much easier to figure Square Footage for the sale. And I'm sure that the "framing square" and the "speed square" are referring to 90 degree angles. But, I'll bet you knew all of this, huh.

  6. I'm with Snoopy and a lot of dogs need to be protected from kids.

    1. edutcher, you damn well know I'm with Snoopy. Oh, snow starts again this afternoon.


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