Sunday, January 16, 2022

Funday ~ Part 2


Thanks FBers


  1. Part of me thinks that on the 10 year anniversary, Bruce Jenner will say "SUPRISE!!!!!" and it will have been the greatest practical joke ever.

  2. Bruce; "I still got my dick. Hahaha High n Dry bitches".

  3. My joints do indeed ache in the morning. And a good bit of the day.
    Thank you for these, Odie. Be safe and stay warm. God bless!

    1. LindaG, joints? Did you say joints? Until lately, I didn't know I had so many joints.

  4. In 1956 or thereabouts, in our little town of Centerville, the city fathers threw a big event to open Mowry Avenue, dedicate it to the citizens, and to top it all off, invited Captain Kangaroo to emcee the event. I was there with mom, dad, and my little brother Judd. A drawing was held and the good Captain yelled out the winning number and by golly, Judd had the ticket and won himself a savings bond, handed to him by a jovial and hearty Capt. Kangaroo.
    And dammit, my joints DO hurt in the morning.

    1. Dave Bagwill, I was nine then, and my joints ache too.

  5. Never watched him, so my joints are just fine.

  6. #3....and we'll still be more prepared than the woke active duty folks.


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