Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hey LL, Is This What You Mean?

Thanks to LL, the tomahawk man, for the inspiration.


  1. There'll never be another Johnny Carson. Authentic comedy died with him.

    For everyone in the path of Hurricane Florence, please be safe. Evacuate now if you haven't already. Things can be replaced; your lives cannot.

  2. Ah, yes, I remember it well.

    Ed Ames and Fess Parker were in Gotham to ride in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade to plug the Daniel Boone show and this show aired Thanksgiving night. Since I didn't have school that Friday, I got to watch.

    PS Ed Ames also sang that night and it kicked off his solo singing career.

  3. edutcher, wow lucky guy to see this when it first aired.

  4. hey Woodsy! thought of you and yours on Sept 11th...xoxoxox

  5. WHT, here's to thinking of you too, Kid!

  6. I miss late nights with Johnny!

  7. Brig, everyone our age that likes humor does.


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