Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween ~ Woodsterman Style


  1. 3 and 4 are good, but 2's already started.

  2. The dealio about Christmas Carols everywhere is so true. No. 3 made me spew Dr. Pepper all over my screen. LOL. Have a great day Odie and thanks for the gigglesnorts.

  3. The OB/Gyn one is funny. Christmas carols? Good grief. Walmart hauled it's Christmas stuff in weeks ago. I will confess to loving to look at all the shiny objects, but I also display super human restraint in not buying anything.

  4. This is so you, Odie. I love it.

    Have a fabulous Halloween. ☺

  5. Curmudgeon, Merry Christmas and gigglesnorts back at you.

  6. Adrienne, all I can say is Merry Christmas!

  7. ugh, now I know why I don't care for pumpkin spice anything...


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