Monday, October 2, 2017

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style ~ 121 ~

Thanks Hal!


  1. Awww, that was adorable, Odie. That was a five star Awww.

    Have a wonderful Awww Monday, Woodsterman Style. ☺

  2. Aw ~ those are awesome hugs and I feel loved after watching them ~ thanks, Odie ~ Happy Week to You ~ ^_^

    (A ShutterBug Explores) aka A Creative Harbor

  3. Sandee, thanks, but I forgot the linky thingy.

  4. ten digits skyward! ove made my day! Thanks!

  5. .awwwwwww, Odie! Being the cycnic I am and knowing you as I do, I was waiting for a payoff -- like someone attempting to hug a thrasher shark and having his head ripped off or something!

    I guess you are just becoming an old softie in your dotage!

  6. WP, Most of these Awww Mondays are as you suspect, But once in awhile I through in a ringer like this.


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