Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Tyrone and His New Taser

Thanks David


  1. It's not a taser but it is comedy gold and a lesson on conductive materials.

    I am sure this young fellow will be a finalist for the Darwin awards as soon as someone gives him a handgun.

  2. Stoners be like all stoopid or some such shit.

  3. There are way too many folks that are this stupid. You can't fix stupid.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  4. sig94, excuse my ignorance, but I wouldn't know a taser from a garage door opener. He is indeed a future Darwin Award winner. Maybe we can get him an honorary collage degree too.

  5. Curmudgeon, they be like stoner gangbanger thugs.

  6. Sandee, you sure can fix stupid. Trade in his taser (or what ever that is) for a gun. He be fix it his own self.

  7. Twinkle!, Twinkle!, little star.
    Power equals I-squared R.

    Math is hard.

  8. Funny as hell on first look but on second look I realized that all those people vote. Then I got sad.

  9. Dilbertnomore, what in the world does that have to do with putting a condom on a banana?

    Yes, math be hard.

  10. Dick, he be votin' if he be still alive.

  11. I guess he now qualifies as the "resistance".


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