Sunday, March 6, 2016

They'rrrrreeee Baaaaack ... The Walmartians I

 Catch him before he escapes on his motorized scooter!
 Not only is he in his tighty whities, and not only is 
she in her bathing suit...BUT...she's in her Confederate flag bikini.
 Not sure who made that shirt or why, 
but they need to be put out of business.
 Pants are optional in the magical world of Walmart.
Never mix patterns, though I have to say that 
cheeseburger shirt is actually awesome.
Thanks David


  1. That last guy not only mixed patterns, butt the plaid doesn't even match up on the rear patootie.

    I would kill for that cheeseburger shirt.

  2. Here ya go. $24.99 on ebay - free shipping

  3. The dude in the tightie whities has some skid mark action going on!

  4. I'm suggesting the Walmart change their fat-mobiles (you know, those electric carts supposedly to aid handicapped folks but are always driven by 500 pounders) to Oscar Meyer Wiener-mobiles.

    Why not.

  5. No wonder I never go to Walmart!

  6. It's just offensive to human sensibilities, isn't it?

  7. This is why I stay out of Walmart. I would laughing my arse off.

    I linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a terrific Silly Sunday. ☺

  8. Adrienne, don't look for plaids to line up on Walmart bought clothing.

  9. I thought Rebel flags weren't allowed in Wally World.

  10. Adrienne, Cool! Did you buy one? We should ask for a commission, huh.

  11. Sandee, I laugh in there all the time. But hey, I always have my iPhone camera with me. You know, they never show up when you're prepared.

  12. edutcher, they are. I wear them all the time.

  13. I admire their trendyness :-)....coughs

  14. This is why I refuse to go there.

  15. Brighid, you do know this is an exaggeration don't you?


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