Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy Saint Patrick's Day From O'Woodsterman


  1. It's a classic and can't be played enough.

  2. LOL pass the green beer laddie! HAPPY ST PATTYS DAY my friend! xoxoxox

  3. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Love this.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. And the rest of the day to yourself, sir.

  5. LL, yeah but why did they need to be herded to the bar?

  6. O'Edutcher, may the wee people brighten your day.

  7. That's our dog!!! And the Guinness is ours, too, today. Thanks, O'die! -Grunty O'MonteCristo

  8. O'Grunty, Enjoy your Guinness you've been herded to by your dog.

  9. Love this video, though I must say had it been the Cowman and Maxwell... they'd have showed'm the pub on the outgo, then beat a path to it, left the gate open, and been waiting inside drinking the Guinness...

  10. Brighid, I mentioned I didn't understand why they had to be herded to the pub.


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