Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Fun Post While I'm Having My Taxes Done . . . .

Oh, we're expecting two weeks of storms ... Not LOL!

Thank You Facebook Friends


  1. Cheap knock-offs indeed. Good luck with the tax man.

  2. With any luck, in a year or two you all of the tax prep companies will be out of business - - or Sanders/Clinton will be in charge and it will be worse. I like the Cruz plan for doing them on a post card.

  3. OMGosh! I want those two hard hats to come work for me.

  4. Curmudgeon, Ah yes, the tax man cometh.

  5. LL, that's actually an old idea from Congressman Dick Armey.

  6. Adrienne, are you known as a Cougar in your parts?

  7. Very cheap knockoffs indeed. You and I think so alike Odie.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Sandee, just goes to show you my intelligence is catching.

  9. When having one's taxes done, as much fun as possible is a necessary antidote.

  10. I think the post card tax return was Steve Forbes' idea way back when, when he was running for president. I think his percentage back then was 17%: it consisted of four lines:

    1. What'd you make during this tax year? __________________
    2. What did it cost you to make the money claimed in line one? ___________
    3. Subtract line two from line one_______________.
    4. Multiply the amount in line three by .17, you owe this in tax.________.

    Please send the amount you entered in line 4 to us, your lovable IRS.

  11. Fredd - Actually, Bernie's plan is simpler:
    1. Write down how much you make.
    2. Send it in.

  12. edutcher, about all I could do is drop them off because he couldn't do them until Friday ... I hate that.

  13. Fredd, Steve Forbes did use that flat tax idea after Dick Armey tried to get it through congress. I'm 99% sure of that time line.

  14. Goggle plus has it's share of nuts too! Been spending sometime over there lately! Oh, I am having a problem with my post showing up on Facebook correctly. Don't know how to correct. Some of my sites post fine there, but the majority do not! Any ideas????


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.