Friday, March 18, 2016

Another Fun Friday


  1. The wood pants! The wood pants are a hoot! These gems were hilarious. Here's hoping you have a most wonderful Palm Sunday. Take care my friend.

  2. Bwahahahahaha on the last one. That got his attention.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend Odie. ☺

  3. Wood pants... I can't even... LOL

  4. I can't even pick a favorite. They're all my favorite!

  5. Curmudgeon, I'm planing a most excellent Palm Sunday at the GSR. My favorite of these is the first.

  6. sig94, I have wood pants. I get regular pants good and wet, and then work in the shop. At the end of the day I can't walk from all of the wet sawdust.

  7. edutcher, nobody likes number one as much as I do ... rats.

  8. What? No way. I was just about to say that the first one is the best by far! Cracks. Me. Up. But all of them today were better than the usual crap, Odie. I figure you must be sleeping on the couch and had extra laptop time last night! JK!

  9. Odie, you out did yourself, these are great!

  10. Gruntster, I'm always on the couch, Doode. "Usual Crap"?

  11. Brighid, I'm always out there looking for them. I'm a collector of such things.


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