Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday Fun . . . .

How we see elite Republicans 
Thanks Facebook Friends


  1. I've got one of those doorstops. It works real good!

  2. That's precisely how I envision Mitt these days.

  3. That doorstop looks way too complicated for me. I think I'll just keep on using my big rock. I'm an old school kind of guy.

  4. LL, everyone but Carl Rove, Tim Cook, and a few others don't agree with 99% of the Republican Party. This could very well signal the end of the "Dick-Wad Party".

  5. Fred, up here we don't keep doors open because of the cold and bugs.

  6. I'm with LL about that highly accurate pic of Mitty. I just wonder if they paid him enough to permanently destroy his reputation like that?

  7. Oh the doorstop one made me laugh out loud. Good grief. I know some folks that would do just that.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend Odie. ☺

  8. Grunt, I really don't care, especially when stupidity is involved.


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