Sunday, February 16, 2014

RINO Alert !

OOPS .... Here I am in my hotel room in Reno and I click 
on my favorite blog, and yesterday's post is top and center.
I had this on my desktop so what the heck. 

We had fun at Mrs. Woodsterman's Group's Valentine Ball.
I even danced with the old girl. After it was over we hit the
casino for a couple of hours. 

We'll be headed home after she wakes up and we get breakfast.


  1. Yep, we do remember. Every single day.

    I'm glad you and the Mrs. had a great time.

    Have a fabulous and safe trip home. :)

  2. That's the last straw for Cornyn. I'm done. He's got 2 primary opponents that I need to do more research on.

  3. Hope you had good time in Reno Odie!

  4. As a general rule, I agree with the idea of cloture, which allows a bill to be voted on by the entire Senate and makes it obvious who supports and who doesn't support the bill. The actual vote on the bill was different. For example, both McCain and Flake from Arizona voted against the final bill.

  5. IOW, the usual suspects.

    PS Hope you and Mrs Odie ... enjoyed yourselves.

  6. Glad you & Mrs. W. had a good time. Live it up 'cause we in the GOP got nothing!

  7. Sandee, they think we're not watching. Had a safe trip thank you.

  8. Opie, It was a great breakfast, and I didn't have to cook it.

  9. Euripides, have you been paying attention?

  10. Cube, We have to enjoy it before DuhWon takes it all away.

  11. Why, yes I have been paying attention. It was, however, the RINOs in the House who sold out, not wishing to hurt their party over the debt limit again.

  12. It is god to hear you had a good time

  13. Never been to Reno, but had many trips to Vegas. Hope you enjoyed your stay and didn't leave anything there.

  14. Euripides, Point is the old guard has done NOTHING for We the People, and it's time to get their collective asses out of there.

  15. Rick, I'd better or Mrs. Woodsterman will kick my ass.

  16. Ron, Reno is a much more casual town than Vegas is. It's also about the third of the size with a western flavor.

  17. What?!? Thde 2 RINO dirtbags from Georgia didn't make the list - this is a first.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.