Friday, February 7, 2014

Dr. Zo Sees Janean Garofalo

Found this to be quite funny. I'm surprised
it didn't get more views ... GO ZO!


  1. That made me laugh at the end. She's allergic.

  2. Zo gets it. I've always liked his delivery. The girl playing Garofalo, though, did too good a job. She just makes me want to puke.

  3. Euripides, "If you need to spew, spew into this."

  4. Bwahahahahahahaha. A tree shredder. I loved this. A. Lot.

    Thanks for the laughs and have a great day. ☺

  5. That was funny. Thanks for the laughs. I love how flames covered her when Zo mentioned God.

  6. Teresa, She goes up in flames if she even thinks of God.

  7. When "Uncle Tom" said Jesus it was just too much for the witch, oops meant to say Bitch.

  8. Ron, it's OK, I'm sure she answers to both.

  9. lol good catch! Happy Weekend my friend.!:-)


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