Monday, November 4, 2013

USPS New Forever Stamp

Our new Forever Stamp
 Small town newspaper article hits nail on the head . . . priceless!

Where Is Tawas City , MI ?

It's on Lake Huron and has a population of just over 2,000!! 

Thanks Dan !


  1. What the hell did happen? Oh yea...LIBERALISM!

  2. Synchronicity! I, too, posted that Forever Stamp today.

  3. Opie, you are THE connoisseur of great blogs.

  4. Love them both, but that letter to the editor was spot on.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  5. The writer nailed it with his article.

  6. Sandee, put quite well indeed, but there are some that still don't understand his position.

  7. Supi, yup ... freedom works every time it's tried.

  8. And we were warned - back in the 50s.

  9. Stupidity and vote-buying via so-called government give-a-ways. Stealing that last one for Obama Cartoons.

  10. Oh that's nothing, Read your bible...

    Not sure we are there yet... Million have not perished in the innercities yet. And enslaved, destitution for fews perverted ideology and degeneracy has not reached it pinnacle... Yet...
    Well, at least not all of America is Detroit, philly or Chicago yet...
    But it is coming...

  11. BTW Odie, Stealing that Article... Thanks :-)

  12. Love the editorial letter

  13. Cube, hell can be where ever you want to put it.


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