Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's Time They Ate Their Own . . .

This great looking image was part of a post over at DMS
With the first sentence of this post being the words you see
at the top of this image. I had to put the two together as you
see here. You know there are tears when the boy king
apologizes for lying about lying . . . or did he ?

The liberal Utopia is such a fleeting dream. Is sheeple herding
a dying art, or is it still being perfected?


  1. The liberals lie so so much they cannot distinguish their fairy tales from reality, if they even care...

  2. He was sorry that people thought that what had happened was that the vast majority didn't understand that what he had said, at the time, with all the known factors, considering, the intentions, of alot of hard working folks that....yadda, yadda, yadda...blah, blah, blah...etc., etc., etc....

  3. When he opens his mouth I know a lie is about to happen. He's always been a story teller and most of the stories have been lies. I'm still waiting for them to drain the swamp. It won't happen, but I continue to wait.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Sandee, he is the protected one, but eventually people will turn on him the way he has turned on everyone else.

  5. He is only sorry that Zero-care started to undress and show its true colors in 2013 instead of 2017.

  6. As they said of Woody Wilson, he may not always have been right, but he was never wrong.

  7. As a bit of a political wonk, I've listened to every president in my adult life except Obama. I can't bring myself to listen that many lies.

  8. Isn't it so pitiful to see all those on the left having such a hard time defending the indefencable scam called Obamacare. I would help them out but, I don't believe in euthanasia!!

  9. Cube, I can't watch him either. I always change the channel.

  10. Great sentiment...but more Progs are born every day...Soon they may cause the next great flood with their crocodile tears!


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