Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day !

I was PROUD to serve, and on this day I salute
all of you that also served past and present.

(Watch this in HD full screen. It's an ass kicker!)


  1. I'd like to thank you for your service. Did you get to keep the Brown Bess you fought with..... Hehe, just kidding, thanks bud.........;)

  2. Odie,

    I treasure my liberty and realize that men (and women) like you are responsible for insuring that I am able to enjoy it.

    I know you and all the others who served and are still serving are owed a debt of gratitude that can never fully be repaid.

    Thank you for all that you did. May God bless you all.

    On a personal note, I cherish your friendship.

    Happy Veterans Day buddy. Take care out there.

  3. Thank you for your service to our country.

    I love this song.

    Enjoy your Veterans Day.

  4. Thank you for your service Odie. God bless all those that served. Past, present and future. ☺

  5. Thank you for your service, Odie. May God continue to bless you and yours.

  6. Mikey, afraid not. The bastards even made the guys leave their ear collections there.

  7. Curmudgeon, people like you made it a pleasure to serve. Thank you good buddy.

  8. Supi, it was even my ring tone for awhile.

  9. Sandee, thank you for being here when we got back.

  10. Marine, thank you too, sir. We share that hell hole together in our memories.

  11. Odie - it is men like you who have protected our rights - and we thank you. You're a good man!

  12. thank u Woodsy!!! HAPPY VETS DAY!:) ALWAYS remember our beloved troops my friend~!:)

  13. Thank you for your service and for remembering those have gone before and after.

  14. Thank You Odie for your service, As we salute YOU, dear Man... God Bless you and yours and all the Veterans and their families who sacrifice so much for our freedom...
    It is truly a blessing to be here graced by folks like you and those who frequent this site... What a blessed gift indeed... So many blessed Veterans, Patriots, and Guardians of this great land...
    Unlike other countries, it is folks like you that always guide this nation toward the God's blessed truth...
    The world has surrendered to politicians, liars and cheats, and those who break commandments with pride... Here earth sits waiting for America, its Patriots, its Veterans, Guardians to rescue them and show the way, once again... World has been here before...
    Happy Veterans Day...

  15. It is a day to pause and reflect and remember those who have helped preserve this great nation the founders gave us.

  16. BTW, Awesome Video...
    Been encouraging my oldest son to go to the Military after HS, rather than College... Funny how Public School has more power over him than I do... But I pray I win... For his best...
    Showed him the Video... He enjoyed it... Thanks...

  17. James, I would prefer to see young men and women wait for a different Commander in Chief.

  18. @ Odie -- "... I would prefer to see young men and women wait for a different Commander in Chief."

    AMEN to that, Odie! But, not just a DIFFERENT Commander in Chief... a Commander in Chief will do!

  19. That song fires me up every time.
    To those heat gone before; thanks.
    Let us always be ready to rise up to shed necessary blood again for liberty.

  20. Cube, that's because you're smarter than the average Cube.

  21. Cody, I love that song too. I even bought it at iTunes a couple of years ago.


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