Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving From Dresden and Grampa

Here are somethings I stole from our friends to
cheer up the place. Dresden's new movie is below.
He is now about 13 1/2 months old.

Happy Thanksgiving to all from the Woodsterman Family

The above from Woman Honor Thyself

They are all on my sidebar if you wish
to wish them Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Thanks for all you do Odie, I wish you,Dresden and the the rest of your family a great Thanksgiving.

  2. A very happy Thanksgivng to your and your family.

  3. Chicks always dig the drummers...

    Happy Thanksgiving

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    He is quite the lad!

  5. Race, His Daddy just changed his own Facebook photo to one where he's a drummer ... hummm.

  6. Admiral, Happy Thanksgiving and yes he's quite the little lad.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to Dresden, Grandpa, the rest of the family and all you readers!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Odie. May it be one of the best. ☺

  9. Odie,
    Hey! You posted my Thanksgiving graphic, that is, the one that Stogie made for me at my request!

    Thank you.

    And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Enjoy!

    America is ailing, but we are still so fortunate -- and should be grateful for what we have.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Odie! :-)

  11. OMGosh! Dresden is just so dang cute I can hardly stand it!

    Happy Thanksgiving to the all the Woodstermans. We love you!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  13. Marine, The very best to all of your clan as well.

  14. AOW, I stole it from you to cheer this place up a bit.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and MR

  15. Adrienne, Love and Happy Thanksgiving back at you. He is a doll huh. I'm so happy I get to spend so much time with him. We have quite a bond.

  16. Supi, Happy Thanksgiving to your Texas Clad in your new home. First one huh ... Enjoy.

  17. That's a great use for a pot cover. My turkey is in the oven as I write and when it's finished I will go to my daughters for a great meal. Odie, you and family have a great Thanksgiving---I know you will. Your friend Ron

  18. Dresden is magnificent, Odie!

    Christmas 2013 is going to be fun, fun, fun for the whole family, huh?

  19. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Odie, little Dresden is adorable. They're so fun at that age... everything's exciting and new. Enjoy every minute of it :-)

  20. That young man must help Mom every day - to know how lucky she is.

  21. Happy T Day, Odie! Many tryptophan returns!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving

  23. Thank you, Odie, for all the great stuff you post for us. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Dresden, the real mom and dad and Grandma. :)

  24. AOW, I can't wait for Christmas with Dresden.

  25. MissK, Happy Thanksgiving! Yes he is a ball.

  26. Edutcher, Oh yeah, momma's little helper.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  27. Abelle, Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving to you in The Philippines ;o) ...

  28. Mr. Positive, What? I'm feeling a bit tired.

  29. DS, Happy Thanksgiving you sexy thing you.

  30. Trailbee, Happy Thanksgiving from the Woodsterman Clan!

  31. Odie, Happy thanksgiving to you and yours, dear man.... Thank for all the love, life and laughter... it i so nice to see God wonderful grace and humor in simple grace, and love you provide in these pages...
    Blessed we are to know you and be touched by your grace... :-)

  32. Dresden is adorable. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  33. James, Wow, my name and Grace mentioned in the same comment. Who are you and what did you do with James?

    Kidding aside, Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for those very kind words.

  34. Lady, It was perfect. A little shorter than I liked, but that's a one year old for you.

    Happy Thanksgiving Lady!


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