Thursday, May 17, 2012

WalMartians Visit Us Again IV

 To hell with getting dressed today, I'm just going to throw on a dew rag and call it good.
 Retired plumber?
 Is that a, a, Oh, My, Gawd.

You'd a never guessed there was room in there for a cell phone.

Thanks Stopsign (LINK)


  1. This is the heartland of America...

    People still need somewhere to spend their welfare checks. Where better? Ok, yes, a strip club. But absent that, there is always WalMart.

  2. LL, I've always preferred the strip clubs myself.

  3. That little "bag" of yellowish fluid did not need to be seen...EVER!

  4. #2 - I'm gonna drop a quarter in the slot and see if I win anything.

  5. Talking about over-exposer! Shame on you Odie---thought you maintained a PG rated site.

  6. A lady with the catheter bag?...Gee "Whiz"...

  7. Ron, I've been able to fool you for a long time.

  8. Lady, break the bag and whiz everywhere.

  9. Difficult to pick a favorite today. So many wonderful pictures.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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