Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ring Girl ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


  1. What round is it you lucky dog?

  2. I'm sure that since Woodsterman is a 'boxer' (of sorts) that he'd be proud to hit it.

  3. Lovely! Even I like these gals. Good choice, Odie.

  4. Randy, count the girls in my eyes "two".

  5. Opie, sucks I'll bet you tell that to all the Woodstermen.

  6. Two, I've got it. Bwahahahahaha. I'm telling you Odie...these gals just aren't doing a thing for me.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. Sandee, that's great news for you, isn't it?

  8. Never have been to one of those events. When I was in siding sales, I loved to visit in the homes of folks who watched such stuff---seemed they were easy marks. I would like to venture out and see one of those now, but honestly my heart just wouldn't take it especially with babes like those parading around the ring. The bottom one is my choice---wonder what kind of luck I would have with her? I know NONE!

  9. Now guys...You are being insensitive to the women and wimps out there. Don't you realize that NYC, and possibly The People's State of Massachusets, are about to ban Mixed Martial Arts...There go the rig gals.

  10. Ron, is that "O" word getting in the way again?

  11. Scott, well good thing I posted this now then.

  12. Is UFC an an acronym I haven't heard about? ;)

  13. Much better.

    After the Wal-Martians, you have redeemed yourself, sir.

  14. Edutcher, good thing too. I hate it when I'm in your dog house.

  15. Admiral, Best stuff how? Do you mean the Ladies I attract or stuff I make using them?

  16. Admiral, you're a wise man. Maybe I can share .... one day.

  17. Just want you to maintain the legendary high standards that have made you an Internet legend.

  18. That blonde looks like she's got your number, Woodsterman!


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