Thursday, May 31, 2012

Now I Remember Why I Moved Here

 Yes indeed ... the old Woodsterman pushed himself
away from the computer and wood shop and let his
neighbor show off his new/used boat. Not a bite did
we get. Also, just up ahead along this shoreline was
a Bald Eagle. Dummy here didn't take a picture, but
I thought I was too far away. Duh I could have photo
chopped it. 

Yes that is the Woodsterman. Do I look anything 
like you thought?
Is that pretty or what ....


  1. You look just as I pictured you would. Good for you to get away and enjoy that gorgeous, peaceful lake.

  2. Now I understand why you moved up there. Great picture of yourself BTW. Nothing like a little fishing to put things in perspective.

  3. Randy, I needed a break, and it was cool.

  4. Scooney, sometimes we remember how short life is ... SO ENJOY IT.

  5. Gone fishin' indeed. Great that you got away, Odie.

  6. Opie, sometimes a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.

  7. Wow! You're so much prettier than I imagined. Beautiful pics. Glad you had a nice day off while I labored in the blazing sun digging in the hard pan with my trusty spading fork (okay - it was cloudy and cool and the soil was loose, but that doesn't sound as good)

  8. Who really cares if the fish were biting or not. Any day on the water is a good one. Looks like you had little, if any, breeze. Wish I could have been there with you guys.

  9. That's God's country right there. I can see why you love it so.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  10. Thanks for the photos. We'll all move there now... ;^)

  11. That's why I miss the north country. I fish the streams and the OH river. Hard to tell what mutant species you might catch in there tho!

  12. Adrienne, Oh sure, you did all the really hard work on on the hottest day.

  13. Ron, there was hardly a whisper of wind.

  14. Scotty, those three eyed fish taste funny huh.

  15. I think maybe I could use a little break too.

  16. Whether it's fishing or hunting, a day away from the office and life's constant, nagging problems is a day well spent.

  17. Admiral, there's a lot of that going around.

  18. Careful Odie, might get a bunch of people to come and see ya with pictures like that, ruin the quiet :)

  19. Nice view and a good pair of boots, what more could a man want?

  20. Madhat, I'm very careful and would never let on I'm in uptown Manhattan.

  21. What time is the fish fry?
    I like my beer very cold.......

  22. DSJ, It's ready ... "Come on Down!" ... oh wait, you have to catch fish for that huh.

  23. Looks like you had a wonderful day. Lovely photo...a little piece of heaven.

  24. Lady, look at the things I have to put up with.


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