Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Ending ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


  1. Whoa! Kids are up and in the room; I'm sure it's quite clever but I'll have to watch it later!

  2. Admiral, not what I would have had in mind.

  3. Brooke, watch out! Some have a fear of clowns.

  4. OK, kids are outside... BWAAHAAHAAAAA!!!

  5. Brooke, "Mommy, what's a happy ending. Do the clowns do something really funny?"

  6. Not the ending I would have liked, but about the only one I could expect these days. The sweet bird of youth flew the coup!

  7. That was happy? for a man? I have to admit it was kinda funny though.

  8. Teresa, funny is why I post most things ... have you noticed?

  9. Way to keep da fools (or useful idiots) happy...with "bread and circuses" or porn and Monday night football.

  10. You, sir, have a cruel streak.

    I can see you having a bright future with our Armed Forces interrogating terrorists once the election is over IYKWIM.

    PS Saw in a comment you graduated HS a year before The Blonde and 2 before me.

    I knew there was a reason we understood each other.

  11. That's not the happy ending I thought was going to happen. Just saying.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  12. Scott, I try to keep everyone happy.

  13. edutcher, you don't like clowns? Do you think I'm a little disturbed?

  14. Sandee, us old guys were hoping what you were thinking.

  15. I didn't say that.

    But, to take that guy that far, and then, well..., send in the clowns, I'm just glad you're on our side.

  16. Er, thanks and happy rule 5 to you dude.


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