Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Latest Landing of Wal-Martians 7


  1. Too creepy. Some are looking familiar. Target gets my next order.

  2. Ummmmm - is that second pic a guy? And is that woman wearing a diaper on her head?

  3. #1: That reminds me, I need to pick up some sherbert.

    #2: Androgynous person: Wal Mart sells shirts for less than the cost of those DVDs, if you his the clearance rack. Oh, and pants that fit, too.

    #3: Gives a new meaning to the term, hand-warmers.

    #4: I f*cking hate 'furries.'

  4. HIT. Ugh. My keyboard broke and I had to break out an old one, and it's like trying to type on a 1940's typewriter.

  5. Randy, I think I know half of them myself.

  6. Brooke, you made me giggle ... "Sherbet".

  7. Opie, of course I do. It's that why you keep coming back?

  8. Damn Odie, did you sneak into my local WalMart to get these pictures. Personally we don't care how they look, we just want their money----this from an ole WalMart guys out of Bentonville, AR.

  9. No slam Odie, but occasionally fat is beautiful Israel IZ

  10. Hope #3 Washes his hands after that.

  11. Ron, yup money is money, pieces is pieces, and parts is parts.

  12. stopsign, why in the world would you ever do that?

  13. That guy will need reconstructive hand surgery after they remove it forcibly from it's hmmm, position.

  14. #1 Dennise Rodman's mum

    #2 Boy George's son doing some Christmas Shopping

    #3 He has seen some of the other women in Wal-Mart and decided to make sure her pants stays up.

    #4 A furry goth? Squirrel woman?

  15. Madhat, A furry goth? Squirrel woman? That's closer than I could come.


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