Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Latest Landing of Wal-Martians 5

You know you had to look. A mistake, huh.

Thanks David !


  1. They all need to be in the aisle that has mirrors. Or the one that has PANTS!

  2. #1: He's lost a bet. It's the only possible explanation.

    #2: Bra. Go to that section of the store and GET ONE NOW.

    #3: Again with the hair, Odie. It's terrifying! There are probably thousands of generations of lice living in that thing!

    #4: Please God, let it only be the horror of flesh-colored stretch pants and NOT what it looks like!

    #5: Um... Yeah. I dunno.

  3. @Brooke:
    #1 No way does anyone lose a bet that badly

    #2 Come on...she thinks she's "bringin'it". Finding herself a sugar-daddy at Wal-Mart

    #3 Don't you recognize Rapunzel when you see her?

    #4 IS what it appears to be.

    #5 Escape from Bellevue.

  4. Oh my, oh my.... I hope #4 isn't what it looks like. That would be so horrifying if it what it looks like.

    Now #3 with the huge, long hair reminds of IT from The Addams family.

  5. Brooke, I told you ... it's the gift that keeps on giving. Giving what you ask? I haven't a clue.

  6. Deekaman, thanks for helping out. She just doesn't believe me anymore. I wonder why that is?

  7. Teresa, #4 leaves me at a loss. I just can't figure her out. Thing ... you bet.

  8. I thought the wookie was in Hawaii!

    This has the be the WORST lot yet, EWWWWW, I need eye bleach industrial strength.

  9. Yep, a big mistake it seems. I did not need eyes or a brain anymore since they have been damaged beyond repair.

  10. Odie, you have outdone yourself in the Walmart hall of fame.

  11. Opie, thanks! I knew you would appreciate the genius here.

  12. WOW....there are no other words I can think of...

  13. Deleted post? You must have gone too far even for you. 80

  14. I like the pic below of you and your truck, Mr Woodsterman! You are too cool.

    these people @ Walmart are almost as creepy as the Occupy Fistbaggers.

    big bonks from all of us here on the Right Coast :-P

  15. lmbooooooooooooooooo wow are these for real Woodsy?..don't answer that! lol .Hope u had a nice weekend~!:)

  16. I wonder if the pantless babe is from San Francisco. I heard they walk around nude...oh, except in restaurants (they just banned eating at restaurants in the nude).

  17. Pissed, sounds like this post did as intended then.

  18. Opie, I finally figured out what you meant. The post for the 14th got posted for 5 seconds on the 13th before I could delete it. It's above now. I prepost everything here and I goofed with that one. Heading your way ...

  19. Pierro, that you for complement.

    Glad the Wal-Martians went over as planned.

  20. WHT, They're real alright.

    I had a great weekend, and I hope you did too.

  21. Lady, I don't believe those life controlling libs in San Francisco would allow a Walmart. They believe there should be no controls on anything until it affects them.

  22. Is that a dog on your back or are you just happy to see me?


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