Friday, November 11, 2011

As a Veteran . . .

I posted this last year, but I got side stepped this year by family
matters. I had a great Veterans Day planned for this
year, but family came first. This is Woodsterman above
and My favorite video below. Yes that is the real 
Woodsterman and his Deuce and a Half he put 20,000
miles on in Vietnam in one year. 

All that were here at home ... We served for you, our 
country, and our way of life.


  1. Dude!! You were/are The Stud!

    Thank you for your service!

  2. Admiral, Thank you also Dude. Was is the proper term.

  3. Thanks Wood Man, many of my students never came back from Nam. I often think of their boyish faces in front of my desk.

  4. You can't hear me but I just whistled at you "Sex Pot"
    You look like a Pro in this picture :-)

    A BIG Thank You Odie.

  5. Stopsign, aren't private jokes fun? Thank you for being here when we got home.

  6. Jarhead, thank you for stopping by. And a BIG thank you for being there for your country.

  7. Here's to ya bud. I know what my uncle went through over there in 3 tours. We all owe a debt of thanks...and very much you and all of our heroes.

  8. Booyah! Old school with the shirt off, they don't make'm like they used to...

  9. Hot, hot, hot!

    And bravely heroic, too. All of you veterans.

    Happy Veteran's Day, Odie.

  10. Thanks for your service Woodsterman!

  11. Woodsterman.

    We're close to the same age. You served this great nation. I did not. For that I am ashamed. I am not worthy to even tie your shoe laces! Thank You for your service, dedication, patriotism, Inspiration and wonderful sense of humor!

    Milton, WA

  12. Thank you for your service Odie.

    Loved the music! Great looking pic of you in Vietnam.

    Happy Veterans Day!

  13. I loved the photo and the music. Both are great. Thank you for your service. It is because of men and women like you that I was able to make to these shores. I am proud to be an American.

  14. God Bless You, Odie. Thanks so much for your service.

  15. Scott, One was enough for me. My hat's off to your uncle.

  16. Opie, thank you for the "hot, hot, hot", but it was 43 years ago.

  17. wtng2fish, please don't say that. I was honored to serve and not all had to. It was the luck of the draw. Your Thank You means so much ... Thank You!

  18. Trailbee, And I'm glad you made here too.

  19. Lady, thank you for being here when we got back!

  20. Woodsterman,
    Great post!

    Mr. AOW will be by to have a look. He's been offline for a few days because he tied one on at the VFW on Veterans Day. LOL.

  21. AOW, thank you ma'am. Celebrations will do that. My Veterans Day was a double duty day. My son got married.


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