Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Latest Landing of Wal-Martians 2

They just keep getting better ... Thanks David !


  1. I saw those folks in the last picture, Williston ND Walamrt parking lot...Damn oilfield anyway.Heh.

  2. I guess people just do not care about their personal appearance anymore.

    Another thought, just who goes around and takes pictures of these people? There are surely better things to do with cameras.

  3. Randy, with your great economy you'll have to learn to put up with a few Wal-Martians.

  4. Admiral, I saw something like this awhile back at Wal-Wart and I was tempted to take a photo with my iPhone. Then I thought about how I'd feel, so I got away from that mirror.

  5. Damn, I am not there yet but theses public service announcements you have been posting make me acutely aware of my appearance when I go out, anywhere. The cameras are always out there.

  6. Admiral, then my job here is almost done .... not!

  7. These Wal*Mart shots just keep getting better!
    I bet the folks in Bentonville enjoy them as well, it sure helps their corporate buyer's know their customers better!

  8. You see all kinds in those stores---I go weekly, have a discount card. If it were not for that I wouldn't go at all, the checkers here in Brookhaven are really in a class by themselves. I still have friends in home office in Bentonville and from time to time lodge a compliant, but the same old bunch of rude employees remain on the job.

  9. Who took a picture of me baking my cookies?

    BTW~Some of those people should keep their "ass" at home or least cover it up. :-)

  10. MMMMMMMmm Cooooookieeeeeeesssss!
    Now we know why theyre so fat Odie lol!
    How did the cameraman get that alien by the nutella stand...excellent stalking there well played lol!

  11. Ron, you need to shop in Reno. They're all very friendly there.

  12. nominedeus, you're right. That Alien is WAY out there.

  13. re the last pic, a guy in England is so fat that he has a 6 wheeled mobility wheelchair which is so large that it won't fit into the disability access equipment of a UK Airline. That airline has bent over backwards to comply with the legislation but still old fatty is sueing them for "Discrimination".

  14. Hurry up, get the tranquilizer gun. One of those wild animals that guy let loose a few weeks ago is trying to dye it's spots hoping to hide from the police. I heard the guy's wife wants the animals that survived to be returned to her.

  15. Mr. AOW, Don't mean too much big bad butt?

  16. Banned, put him in a trailer behind the plane.

  17. Lady, let's get it ... quick. Yeah, and I'll bet she's as big a nut job as her husband.

  18. Leopard lard butt alert!

    That's hilarious TCL!

  19. Teresa, watch out! Lady and I have the tranquilizer gun.

  20. HEY, I saw that guy on the scooter before. He is wearing WVU colors...He must be the guy that robbed a gaming parlor in Martins Ferry, WV and escaped on his Hoveround!---True story, but they caught the perp two days later and impounded his "vehicle".

  21. You almost made me choke on my coffe Scott. I don't usually expect that from comments. What a hoot!


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