Thursday, September 15, 2011

Three-fer Thursday Again

Everyone claims this is not a photo chop job.
You be the judge ... is Biden dumb enough?
Does the term, "Box of rocks", come to mind?


The Woodpecker Might have to go! 

Thanks David for the last two!


  1. In that first picture are you talking about Barry's eyes being half closed? The other two look the same as always.

  2. Funny stuff! those two morons left and center should be walking a plank on a boat going over a cliff.

  3. Isn't that how Biden always looks?

  4. Bunni, great idea ... let's tweet that idea.

  5. Euripides, that's how he looks to me anyway.

  6. Lady, He belongs to clowns anonymous I'll bet.

  7. Obama looks like he's having an orgasm, on that first picture..

  8. Biden's been stuck in that position ever since he licked a frozen flagpole back in 1959.

  9. BO looks like he has had "one toke over the line" in this one.

  10. Not box of rocks... Sack of hammers. ;)

  11. SergeantD Honored Veteran, Welcome to our insanity. Do you really think he's able?

  12. Scotty, he looks just like he did in his younger "loaded" photos.

  13. Brooke, Hammers or Rocks, we're both giving him too much credit.

  14. If the Woodchucks are paid to chuck wood...
    What wood would a wood chucking Woodchuck chuck?
    Would it be Obammas wood?

    Or is Obammas wood to dense to chuck...
    and only fit for a woodpeckers peck...
    while the Woodchucks wage backs the welfare checks...
    or would it be the other way
    and all the Woodchucks now understand their karma
    and that the peckerwoods Obamma!

    Starring in a rendition centre near you or some Cubans there or be square eh!

  15. nominedeus, Wow, you completely wore me out reading that. Great fun!

  16. I bet that woodpecker went! Could it be the extinct "ivorybill"! This is funny!


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