Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Sign of the Times . . .

Thanks David !


  1. Have they stopped by your house yet to give an estimate? ((:


  2. Randy, That might be British for installed.

  3. Saw a pic on tubes of interwebs of septic tank specialists with the name of turd burglars. Think it was in google images. Hee hee!

  4. No dancing on the poles? How are we suuposed to be entertained? Remind me not to ever ride NiteLink.

  5. Update! Found the pic of turd burglars septic service, link is below:

  6. I confess picture #4 was talking about me. But in my defense how was I suppose to know that until they put the signs up.

    Who would have thunk those were for safety reasons?

  7. I used to make signs for a living, and there were many we made that were funny, both intentional and unintentional. One time one of the workers was making a sign and ran spell check on it... he did not read what the computer actually corrected it to until after it was made. The sign said "Private property: trespassers will be prostituted"

  8. Stopsign, where's the best place to see you preform?

  9. Poison the humans---Save the Cockroaches...YEA

  10. Trestin, thanks I think ... I'll get over there.


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