Thursday, July 14, 2011

Boycott in Arizona is Working

Illegal immigrants are boycotting Arizona by the thousands,
showing their outrage with Arizona's new SB-1070 law by 
moving elsewhere. 

In the small town of Guadalupe, AZ , south of Phoenix, 
Manuel Renaldo is one of those who is punishing 
Arizona by leaving.
As he loaded his stolen car with his stolen belongings and 
family of ten, Renaldo told this reporter through an interpreter,
"It's a matter of principle; I refuse to be supported by a 
state that treats me like a criminal!"
"He and his family are moving to California, which is a 
state that will support him and his family with dignity!"

The effects of the exodus are being felt by Arizona retailers, 
who are reporting dwindling sales of beer, spray paint, 
and ammunition.
Also hit hard are the state’s hospitals, which have reported a 
dramatic decline in births and emergency room visits.
Tattoo parlors are in a state of panic.

Kind of brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it!


  1. When I stop crying I will send Arizona a great BIG thank you card...

  2. Randy, my state will take up the slack. Now if he was a Homosexual he'd really have it made. Just think what an illegal Homosexual Mexican immigrant could achieve in benefits in California.

  3. Do you also have room for all the frijoles up here in Oregón??

  4. It appears that the illegals have fallen right into Arizona's trap. Or lack of trap. Or catch and release. Something like that anyway.

  5. I'm glad they're leaving AZ, but they're probably going to CA and other sanctuary states!

  6. I'll bet liberal politicians in AZ are going to feel the pinch as well in the voting booths,,,,

  7. Sniff~Sniff I feel so sorry for those ASSHOLES :-) Don't send them my way.

  8. Otis, when the Feds are looking, it's catch and release.

  9. Stopsign, are you sure? We have plenty to spare.

  10. If the People's Republik of Kalifornia wasn't there, he'd have to move back to Mexico to find dignity.

  11. LL, maybe he and the others could fix that piece of crap country if they went back.

  12. Si Senor, we live in California Del Sur.

  13. Si Opie, Vivo en el desgaste del norte las capas calientes del desgaste de los illegals.

  14. Commie symp. Dennis Kusinich is trying to turn Cleveland and the surrounding area into a "sanctuary--get out of jail free zone". The place is full of Cash Advance lenders and Taco Bells. Ohio will take some more criminals...YUP..sure we will..

  15. Admiral, Usted debe aprender el lenguaje de nuestros hermanos al sur.

  16. So long as they don't come to Mississippi! Think they know better, however!

  17. I love how the law is working.

  18. Teresa, I don't ... they're coming here.


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