Monday, July 11, 2011

Really, Walmart Again? #4

Let's round this round up with this last round . . .
You just brightened up everyone’s day! Seriously, they will have to turn the lighting down on their computer so there won’t be this pink beam filling up their office area and attracting the attention of their bosses!
 I guess I could see how someone would get pretty tuckered out throwing down a Big Gulp and breathing.
 Oh baby, but really, I prefer my imagination.
 I know candy can turn sour, but what about candy stripers?
Ok errybody, let me tell you erry thang you need to know about errbrushed shirts. Dem for little gerls on vacation!…Fo Reals!

Thanks David !


  1. Erryday I come here, something more bizarre! Habit forming...

  2. Randy, If it wasn't here then where? Someone has to supply cheap thrills.

  3. Think of all the cotton balls that were saved by the wearing of tiny and ecologically-green outfits.

  4. My gal would tell 'em---Yo ugly and yo Mama dresses you funny!

  5. I hope hot pink doesn't go to the fishing section of Walmart.

  6. Odie, promise all of us one small thing - shop somewhere else tomorrow. LOL. None of these poor saps can afford mirrors, I guess.

  7. Damn if that fat guy napping in the pickup doesn't look just like Vader with his helmet off.

    Though he certainly does have cool white shoes on.

  8. Odie - how much more can we take? Once seen can never be unseen, doncha know?

    Thank goodness the peeps at our Walmart are normal looking but I still need a Valium to go in there. I loathe Walmart and avoid it like the plague.

  9. Supi, let's put a hook in it and go trolling.

  10. Otis, you know it's why you come ... taking my camera to Walmart tomorrow.

  11. Adrienne, you know you love it. After all, it's my job to be postin em.

  12. wheres Michelle the tyrant to teach em all bout nutrition>>>UGH!

  13. Walmart must have had a "blue light special" on that see-thru net shirt. A lady featured in the "Really, Walmart Again? #2" post had one on in purple. I guess it comes in an assortment of colors.

  14. Now I see where moochie gets her fashion sense from.

  15. Lady, Blue Light or Blue Plate, they all seem to run together around this place.

  16. Bunni, do you mean that they have their own Walmart in the Left Wing of the White House?

  17. No wonder I don't shop at Wal*Mart.

  18. On Watch, so you think you know what you're missing, huh. I only scratch the surface here.

  19. Walmart is real life.

    Real scary.

  20. Oh my word... That woman in pink is blinding me, LOL!

  21. Teresa, Help me I'm blinded by the pink.


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