Sunday, July 10, 2011

Really, Walmart Again? #3

 I have been vindicated !
 That could be the most inappropriate shirt to wear in public in the whole world?
 I won't touch this, but mirrors were invented for times like these.
 ♫ This is the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow; Pirate so brave on the seven seas; A mystical quest to the isle of Tortuga; Raven locks sway on the ocean breeze ♫
It’s obvious that both of these ladies look phenomenal in pink, but who would you rather wake up next to?


  1. And day after day I keep coming back here...

  2. Randy, It's a cross between water boarding and crack. It's a torture that you have to keep coming back to.

  3. I gotta git me a pink get up now Woodsy! Have a super Sunday~! hugsssssssss~!

  4. Wow, just when you think you've seen them all!
    These people have to be a JOKE! Or, is it Halloween?
    Who the heck would leave the house like that....oh, never mind, they are probably dim-0-crats.

  5. "It’s obvious that both of these ladies look phenomenal in pink, but who would you rather wake up next to?"

    ..if I woke next to either, I'd chew my arm off and escape.

  6. I believe the line about mirrors can apply to all the above!

    The moniker 'Captain Jack Sparrow' really hit the mark, my Lord what are these people thinking?

  7. WHT, It'll match your site. This is a work weekend in the awful Obamoconomy.

  8. Bunni, Dim-o-crats? Not bad, not bad at all.

  9. TWP, What's the matter, pink not your color?

  10. Christopher, mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

  11. Every time I think you can't outdo yourself, you do.

  12. It is like a bad accident on the highway you don't want to look but can't help it. I wouldn't shop at commie-mart if everything in the store was 5¢. I want to climb to the top of the local commie-mart and plant a communist china flag! :-)

  13. As Dr. Smith used to say on Lost In Space - "The Pain!! The Pain!!"

  14. I would rather wake up next to the one with most cloth on.

  15. If I woke next to either of the pink ladies, I would be seriously re-thinking some life decisions there...

  16. One of those girls looks like she's on the RAG, But I'm not saying which one.

  17. Opie, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said here.

  18. Madhat, Young men shouldn't think about either one of these.

  19. Stopsign, well not you did it. I was keeping that part a secret.

  20. @The War Planner - That be called "coyote ugly".
    My favorite was the Jack Sparrow look-a-like...he or she?

  21. Lady, in TWP's case it's "Coyote Love".

  22. OMG! That shirt! How dirty...


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