Monday, July 4, 2011

LL, back at you ...

My favorite version ever sung of Our National Anthem !

God bless OUR country on her day of Independence !


  1. Happy 4th of July (235th) Odie!

  2. Odie, thanks for that. Whitney can sing a little and does a stellar job on that one. Happy Independence Day to you sir.

  3. Thanks Odie. And Happy Fourth of July to All.

  4. Thank you Deb. I saw that live as did most of us that Super Bowl Sunday. It's something you don't forget.

  5. Thank You Otis ... Happy 4th back at you.

  6. Absolutely the best version of our beloved National Anthem!

    A Happy Independence Day to you!

  7. On Watch ... Happy 4th of July to you too!

  8. I thought about putting up a video like this today, and the first one that popped into my head was WHITNEY... you are right, about the best delivery I can recall in all my days, man did she have the pipes before she got all screwed up

    A happy Independence day to you and yours


  9. RR, It's my favorite. Happy 4th of July.

  10. Hi Odie! Happy 4th! This is a great version. Too bad Whitney got all crackheady later on...oh well, remember the good.

    Have a fun holiday!

  11. Happy Independence Day and God Bless America!

  12. Loved the video!
    Happy 4th~ Hope you had a Good Day

  13. Bunni, too bad she went goofy, but she had it for awhile.

  14. Stopsign, I did have a good day, thanks. Happy 4th of July!

  15. Thanks for thinking of me. The National Anthem IS Independence Day to me.

    I attended a patriotic rally at a large city park where I live and a fireworks show. I'm sure that Democrats who attended melted like the Wicked Witch of the West after a bucket of water was dumped on her.

    40,000+ people stood, took off their hats and sang the National Anthem. It was a celebration of America, not a celebration of the differences between us as individuals (how un-progressive). There was a prayer to open the event - and I'm sure that might have been a hint to progressives attending that it wouldn't go THEIR way.

    Where my family sat on the grass, there was a Coptic (Egyptian Christian) priest and some of his flock on one side, and a Jewish rabbi on the other. There were many Muslims there too. (Southern California is a melting pot) America is a nation of many races, many places of origin, many different backgrounds - but AMERICANS are ONE PEOPLE.

    God bless America.

  16. LL, thanks for the celebration update. It sounds like you had a great time.

    God Bless America!


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