Sunday, May 22, 2011

Today We Honor President Obama ... NOT!

 Israel is supported at Woodsterman, but
not at the White House !

Stolen From that very fine "Woman Honor Thyself" ~ H/T


  1. I saw a comment a few days ago....might have been here, but I suspect it was elsewhere (maybe FB). It said, in effect:

    Yes, yes. Israelis are the oppressors. Like when they lob missiles into Palestinian settlements. Or when they send children as suicide bombers. And especially when they send a group of militants to cut the throats and brutally murder a Palestinian family.

    Oh, wait....that's not the Israelis. (I add: In the words of Willy Wonka, "strike that...reverse it".)

    It continues to boggle my mind that American Jews are able to support The Chosen One. He hates them, hates Israel and, most importantly, hates the only country in the world where they can safely and openly practice their religion.

  2. The wheels on the bus go round and round, thump, thump, what was that? Just Israel...

  3. Deekaman, It wasn't here, but it shows the stark difference between us and the warped thinking on the left.

  4. Born Again, The last great war this nation fights might well be protecting Israel. I can not think of a nobler cause.

  5. I hope my comment wasn't taken incorrectly, I was just bashing Obama... You are absolutely correct... We know the Asshole-N-Chief won't protect Israel, it may take an uprising from the populous to get Congress to act...

  6. thanks Woodsy..God bless America!!! Have a blessed Sunday despite it all !

  7. Born Again, your comment was completely understood. Obama throwing Israel under the bus.

  8. Angel, I'm not to proud not the steal here at Woodsterman, but I love giving a heads up to who ever beats me at posting something great.

    Happy Sunday to you.

  9. Obama hates Israel in much the same way as he hates Great Britain -- and would some argue that he feels the same way about the United States of America.

  10. LL is right can almost see where this is all going!

  11. LL, I would say those are countries he definitely hates.

  12. Scooney, impeachment would be a great direction.

  13. Such a Great Video!
    When they are looking for another ignorant person to do their dirty deeds~Direct them to our WH.

    May God Bless America

  14. Excellent Video. I concur with LL. Nov. 2012 can't come soon enough.

  15. BO is only hurting himself further.

  16. Stopsign, I had to read it twice ... duh, we'll make sure they get that message.

  17. Trestin, BO, is only a child in man's clothing.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.