Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Tail of Two Posters

Two Posters...totally different positions.
This just about says it all.
There's nothing I can add.

Now THIS is a poster !

I hope this poster circles the globe.  
God Bless America .
Take care.

If it weren't for the United States military,
there'd be NO United States of America .

And now this ...

A picture is worth
a thousand words.



  1. That sums it up....Heroes<--->Zeros.

  2. It makes me thing that we should reinstitute the draft and put some the articles in the picture (below) through boot camp and a real war zone. It would clearly lead to a change of attitude.

  3. Well done!!!

    They fixed it and now I can comment again!!!!!!

  4. Odie...
    That's just about as great a post as I've ever seen...

    The only thing I wish is to somehow see these two try and run... That would make my day...

    Changing the subject, anyone else having trouble with blogspot? I can't post comments on my own blog...

  5. wow...if that dont say it all Woodsy!

  6. LL, the draft might work ... under a different Commander in Chief.

  7. Born Again, I have heard many complain about blogger this morning. I think it can and went before I got up. I never experienced a problem.

    Running would be funny.

  8. WHT, it does, but to be honest with all of you, I almost didn't post it. It just plain says it Too well.

  9. The most frustrating thing: They have belts.

  10. Betcha the Marine with the prostheses can run faster and not trip as often as the low-ass-pants gangstas. What a couple of fools...

  11. I liked how Randy summed it all up!
    Glad you posted it Odie.

  12. No comparison. Randy said it best!
    Hero #1, Zero's the last two. funny, who else do we call zero? they are his homies.

  13. Odie,

    I agree with Bro, I would like to see these guys try to out run anyone with their pants around their freaking ankles.

    Lock & Load!!!

  14. Hey, let's not be too hard on the second set of guys. They're only believing the lies that leftist Democrat policy has led them to believe. (It's society's fault.)

  15. Trestin, that's why their pants are so high.

  16. Inno, I don't think those chumps would get ten feet.

  17. For a couple of days I could not comment on your posts. Googlesoft problem with my ID.

  18. (L), lock and load, but keep those pants up.

  19. Euripides, axe em and they'll tell you it's your fault.

  20. Admiral, glad it's fixed we missed you.

  21. Selfless heroes versus Selfish hoodlums. God Bless our military.

  22. The only way the draft can work is if we let the DI's beat them into shape. The armed forces doesn't want these assclowns.

    The military only can recruit from 30% of the population. The other 70% is unacceptable due to moral, emotional, criminal and other issues. This is what the recruiter told us when he interviewed our daughter.

  23. Here we see the "devolution of MAN". A real man has no place in today's society.
    Should we use genetic testing and eugenics to raise the bar back to sustainable standards for breeding.---Just a nasty thought.

  24. Scott, you axe a lot a questions. Which one is our future? I sure hope it's the top photo.

  25. Loved the "Hero" vs "Zero" comment.
    I think they call that fashion statement "jailing" and, by the looks of those two, that's probably where they'll be spending some time in the future.

  26. Yep.

    On this coming Memorial Day, may all of us patriots pause at 3:00 PM for the National Moment of Remembrance for those who have fallen in the service of our nation.

  27. Lady, thanks for the style heads up. I'll keep an eye out at WalMart for that style on sale in the men's/boy's sections.

  28. On Watch, that will happen in the Woodsterman household.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.