Thursday, May 19, 2011

More Red Neck Genius ... Part 2

How such brilliant feats of engineering get overlooked is unbelievable.

That's All Folks !

Thanks David !


  1. I suspect that I now know why rednecks don't rule the world.

  2. Maybe overlooked is a good thing for most of these.

  3. the hedge trimmer would be an interesting afternoon event to watch!


  4. Be honest- all this crap is at your place, isn't it lol

  5. I can see only good things happening with that hedge trimmer.

  6. Admiral, they work great ... No really, they work great!

  7. Pierro, it is but don't forget your goggles.

  8. RR, you are the one that finally figured it out. I took the photos yesterday. I'm at boomtown this morning letting the little woman sleep in. I'm on the iPhone now. It wwas the little womans 37 th anniversary yesterday. Boomtown is in Reno.

  9. I alway need a good boom operated, Trestin

  10. Do you know what the last thing a redneck ever says? "Hey guys, watch this"...

  11. In my redneck hills a man laid his ladder on his peak roof, ran a rope over the other side, and tied it to the bumper of his pickup. His son came out and started off down the road in the truck.---OUCH---True story.

  12. You don't even need a sign saying "Red Green was here."

  13. Got admit, the hedge trimmer is my hands down fav!

  14. A few of these Stole my ideas!WTH? Knew I should have got a patent.

  15. Scott, I always put a rock in front of the tires when I do that. One time the little woman moved the rock before she got in ... Ieeeee

  16. Bunni, I love those commercials too.

  17. Christopher, That hedge trimmer is a real hit.

  18. Stopsign, do you patent them as "redneckishstopstersign"?

  19. Odie- that hedge trimmer just takes my breath away. What does he use for rose bushes?

  20. The computer fan isn't from a true redneck. That's packing tape there, not duct tape. Duct tape's the proper tape to use in such situations.

  21. I ran out of duct tape on the server and router... I mean, yeah, that dude should have used duct tape...

  22. Oh dear, the first pic might indicate my own redneck personality. While I don't tape a fan to my comp I do stick the nozzle of my vacuum cleaner against the ventilation points of my tower in the vain hope of extracting some dust.

    I'm sending that ladder pic to the Health & Safety people, give them something real to worry about.

  23. sig94, if you had one of these you wouldn't need to ask ... you're looking at it.

  24. Euripides, that's is purzakly. I used to use it on snowmobile windshields when they got cracked. We called high speed tape.

  25. Madhat, A "true" redneck will use duct tape, but will also use what's handy after using all the duct tape up on the family car flat tire.

  26. Banned, you just prove there's a little redneck in all of us.


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