Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sneaky Nose ...


  1. That funny dog, did you train him odie?
    He was carrying a supply of tanning lotion, it looked like. I'm calling the ASPCA on those two hoochies who hit him. That's what they get for lying around topless in a public park, tramps.

  2. LOL! I cringe to think of how the guys trained him. Bad MEN!

  3. DAMN! and all I taught my dog to do was shake...

  4. Bunni, I love my dog and those "tramps".

  5. Opie, It wasn't easy, but it sure felt great. Nickie will send me to my room for that one.

  6. Freakster, try peanut butter between your legs. I can't believe I just wrote that. Oh what the F......


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