Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hillbilly Dance Fun ... I think I Would Like Her


  1. Nickie, Up early today. Decaf ? Oh look what we would be missing. She looks like a fun lady to me.

  2. Nickie I forgot to mention, I love the way the kids ignore what's going on.

  3. Wood that chick would keep you busy fixing the bed, her moving like that's got to carry a lot of momentum.

  4. Freakster ... I think it would take welded steel. That way repairs could be kept at weekly instead of daily.

  5. I like her too. She looks sweet and fun to be with. I especially liked the part where she tossed off the hair tie. I know you men like it when a woman lets their hair down...

  6. Opie, I live for that ... I just have trouble remembering it.

  7. Woo Hoo, she looks like a party!
    But, maybe she needs to get out more.

  8. Bunni, I don't know about the getting out part, but I think she should lay off the prune juice.


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