Friday, February 21, 2014

The Art Of Fishing

Fishing with a hand grenade.

1. Pull the pin.
2. Throw it far from the boat.
3. Net the stunned and dead fish.
Click on the photo.

I could watch it for hours....

These guys forgot step 2.

Thanks Trailbee!


  1. That is funny! Great way to start the day - thanks Odie!

    Reminds me of what it must have been like for Obama to go skeet shooting. Looks like it takes out the side of the boat where they're standing.

  2. Dude throws like our preeezy Barry!

  3. Fishing with a grenade or a stick of dynamite is time proven as a redneck technique. However, there is always that "Darwin Award" side to it.

  4. Truly a fascinating gif. Thanks Odie.

  5. I agree with LL. These guys are Darwin Award nominees. This makes my ears ache even without the sound!

  6. Euripides, I ache everywhere after seeing this about 200 times.

  7. Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Yep forgot step two indeed. Does remind me of Barry too. He's missed a lot of steps.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend Odie. ☺

  8. Sandee, Seems to me you don't have any faith in our dear leader.

  9. In think that's what went wrong at the Alamo.

  10. Who ever said fishermen had all their oars in the water----remember years ago when I was calling up some fish with an old trusty crank phone. Great for catfish---just stick two wires in the water and crank---just don't be taking a leak out of the boat as your buddy cranks. Quite a shocking experiance.

  11. Ron Russell's comment caused me great pain

  12. Did they live? Of course they did! They're idiots! Smart people would get killed, but boneheads like these guys seem to always come out smelling like a rose.. except in their pants.

  13. What brand of boat is that, took the hit pretty well!

    Linked -here-

  14. Proof, it's on back order. Now pull the pin.

  15. Ron, That's shocking. Thanks for being brave enough to share that.

  16. Proof, like serving a duck full of buckshot.

  17. Velcro, I haven't any idea, but I think you're right. How else can they accept their Darwin award in person.


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