Friday, January 24, 2025

Funderwhoopee Friday ~ Legos


I live in a small town. My son’s best friend from next door often comes over to play. His family doesn’t have much, but he’s always cheerful and curious.

One day, the boys found a puzzle contest in a magazine with a LEGO set as the prize. They worked hard to solve it, and when it was time to send it in, I helped them write the letter. I put the neighbor’s address as the return address, knowing how much it would mean to the boy if he won.

But seeing him check the mailbox every day with so much hope broke my heart. So, I decided to create a little magic. I ordered a LEGO set and had it delivered to his house.

The next day, I heard a loud, joyful shout. Peeking outside, I saw the boy hugging the UPS driver with all his might, tears of happiness streaming down his face. “I won! I really won!” he shouted.

I stood there, my own eyes welling up as I watched him hug that box like it was the greatest treasure in the world. In that moment, I realized it wasn’t just about the LEGO set. It was about a little boy feeling seen, special, and incredibly happy, even if only for a moment.


  1. Every once in a while, you do something unknown to everybody else and you know how Zorro feels when he carves the Z on the wall (or Sergeant Garcia's pants).

  2. Amazing how the exact same thing happened twice - one right after the other...

  3. "You're a good man, Charlie Brown!"

  4. Wonderful story. Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. I wouldn't worry about the slight mix-up. shit happens. My wife tells me it happens when you don't have someone else proof read what you write.
    On a side note, while stationed in Key West in the Navy, a book was passed around by the Lt in charge to anyone else that wanted to read it. Book was huge, over 1000 pages in a paperback. Everyone said they thoroughly enjoyed it. Not one of them realized that 200 pages of the book were duplicated.
    Keep up the good work, your blog matters.

    1. hjets, that's why I pay you guys the big bucks ... you're the proof readers.


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