Friday, January 10, 2025

Funderwhoopee by Any Other Name is Funderwhoopee ~ B

 Thanks FBers


  1. Good ones all. I identify with those kids on bikes. I had a 3 speed that had a rotary grip shifter like a motorcycle throttle.

    1. Mikey, I had one of those bikes too. Did your shift cable keep breaking also?

  2. If I sat on that wedded commode I know I would get up and it would be soiled as heck, as the toilet gods as my witness...

  3. Keith is a true Renaissance man.

  4. Don't understand the blinker thing - like I trust what you say you're going to do with my life? -wayne

  5. Had a bike like back in 60s like that sears 3 speed flame banana seat chrome look cheater slick. Nope cable never broke. Lived in wis. Road all winter on paper route


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