Wednesday, April 3, 2024

It's Another Skipism Wednesday ~ AM


Thanks Skip


  1. If vegetable oils were used for diesel engines, the hulabaloo would equal the noise made accusing corn used for ethanol causing starvation. The byproduct of ethanol, distillers grain, is used to replace some of the corn silage cut for cattle feed. I believe ethanol to be one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on the country next to the clot shot, but for Pete's sake, criticize it on the facts, not the fallicies.

  2. At 62 and retired USAF w/21 years I Get:
    $3000 a month in retirement and social security that I get to pay taxes on.

    I did get to use the Montgomery GI Bill for college. It barely covered tuition. I worked various jobs while going to college to get an IT degree. With the Y2K IT bust I had to fall back on my military trade and made almost twice the money. Because of that I am also sitting on a nice 401k and have had my home paid off for 12 years.

  3. Note that Rudolf Diesel invented the Compression-Ignition Engine in 1893, received a US Patent for it in 1898, and died in 1913 (while the patent was still in force). Some say the 55 yr old was heavily in debt and in poor health, others say the coal, petroleum, and steam industries got rid of a paradigm shifter. Who knows?

    1. MUSEman, the first job of this blog is to make you laugh. I seem to have failed at that. Please accept my sincerest apology.

  4. RE: Benefits for (Illegal) Immigrants, see the following document:
    "Immigrants’ Eligibility for U.S. Public Benefits: A Primer", by Valerie Lacarte, Julia Gelatt, Ashley Podplesky, January 2024, Migration Policy Institute

    1. Anon, that's rich ... LOL! So now it's my job to believe those lying asswipes in Washington? Really?

  5. You have suceeded in making me laugh but there is a paradox in that it is sad that the truth is so funny!

  6. I like to tell people "you must be as smart as you think I am"


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.