Sunday, April 21, 2024

Funday ~ Marilyn and John



  1. What a fricken awesome letter. I'll bet Marilyn got as much of a kick out of it as I did.

  2. I wonder if she actually sent the picture? Is that supposed to be it?
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, That's one I had that I thought would fit the bill of "Pensive Girlish Mood."

  3. One of my favorite authors, and a side of him one does not normally see.
    His Travels With Charlie is humorous and tongue-in-cheek and I suppose this is that same kind of tomfoolery.

  4. Interesting that folksie John's secretary signed the letter of request.

    1. Anon, there was a comment left by someone who was also his secretary at a different time. She said this was exactly how he would handle a letter such as this.

  5. And you thought he was a great writer before.

  6. I remember, as a very young boy in the 1950's, my father had a really cool bar in our family room. On a portion of the wall behind the bar there was a framed color photo of Marylin Monroe in a Georgia Tech sweater. Since my dad had graduated from Tech, the photo meant a lot to me.

    1. John, you can't go wrong with family tradition and Marilyn.


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