Tuesday, February 20, 2024

OK . . . Libturd Tuesday It Is Then ~ AM


Thanks FBers


  1. First 5, but I do like the second.

  2. Were those actual lyrics by that twat Nicki? Thank God I never heard her songs.

  3. #9. War correspondent? Seems familiar somehow.
    Thanks, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. I think I was thinking of Ernie Pyle, but after finding a picture of him, I don't believe that is him.
      Just the face seems familiar but as usual the name escapes me.
      Maybe he was just an actor and this is a scene from a movie.
      Either way, Thanks, Odie. :)

    2. LindaG, a guess: maybe Richard Egan.

    3. That name sounds familiar. Thanks, Odie. :)

  4. Can I pay you sir to help photo shop an image.I will gladly pay. My email is jcsuperstar380@gmail.com. Please advise what you need from me. Thanks, another grand slam.

    1. Anon jc, Most of these I steal, but I do dabble with my own. I'll let you know via email.

  5. Love them all and the last one made me laugh out loud.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♥

  6. Woodsterman. Would you put a turbin on John Brennan, Former CIA Director's head. Obama as you know made him the director of the CIA, I'm writing a story how he completely his everything and now it's light. My email is jcsuperstar380@gmail.com. Let me know what you would need on your end. Here is my we site, I'm legit. It's Jim Campbell's We the People. https://whatyouthoughtiwentaway.wordpress.com/

  7. I like the last the best. I wuz listening to Da Crooners when Alan Freed frist burst on the scene; sorry to say I still prefer Como, Bennett, n' Sonatra .


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